Asbestos waste found in warehouse yard near High School

El Monte - Asbestos waste found in warehouse yard near Mountain View High School

EL MONTE - State environmental agencies have secured around 800 baggage of hazardous waste labeled as containing asbestos from an illegal waste transport facility located not far away of Mountain View High School.

Department of Toxic Substances Control and also the South Coast Air Quality Management District are investigating numerous violations at Titan Environmental Inc., 12432 Valley Blvd. The facility is located directly northwest of the school's soccer field and running track and has been operating since September last year.

State law prohibits any hazardous waste facility within five hundred feet of any school. Penalties include a $25,000 fine for every day of operation, according to the Department of Toxic Substances Control.

"They weren't supposed to be storing waste there. They were operating as a hazardous waste transporter and they didn't have the proper permits," said J.Garcia, spokesperson for the state DTSC, which regulates hazardous waste disposal and transport.

Fifteen air samples were taken by the AQMD in...more



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